Vegan-Friendly Doctors and Dietitians
/PLEASE NOTE: All information in this blog and in our Directory of Vegan-Friendly Doctors and Dietitians, is provided for reference only. These are NOT recommendations, and we cannot endorse any of them. We do not take responsibility for any information provided by them or the links provided. This is intended to be a starting point only for those interested in researching professionals who are knowledgeable about vegan and plant-based nutrition. Please do your own rigorous and diligent research and verification.
JUst a few of the many books written or co-written by vegan doctors and vegan registered dietitians.
More doctors and dietitians than ever are adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet for themselves, and are strongly recommending it to their patients to help address chronic illnesses including cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and more. Even the current President of the American College of Cardiology, Dr. Kim A. Williams, is a vegan. This is not surprising, as the evidence of the vast benefits of such a diet are overwhelming. In 2013, Kaiser Permanente, one of the country's largest health care providers, recommended that their physicians should consider recommending a plant-based diet to all their patients. Check out this excellent 2-1/2 min video summary of Kaiser's position by Dr. Michael Gregor of
Kaiser members can request a copy of "The Plant Based Diet -- A Healthier Way To Eat" pamphlet referenced in the video at any Kaiser Clinic (a pdf copy is also available for immediate viewing and downloading).
People are often surprised to learn that many medical schools offer very little guidance and education on nutrition to promote good health, focusing instead on treatments for conditions once they occur. With so many advances in the different areas of medicine each year, many doctors may find it difficult to keep up to date on all the new information on nutrition as it relates to health and disease treatment/prevention.
But this is rapidly changing. There are a number of opportunities for doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to expand their knowledge of nutrition. The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies offers continuing education credits through online courses in conjunction with Cornell University (Ithaca, New York, USA). Nutrition CME is another resource for medical professionals that also offers continuing education credits. The Plantrician Project hosts an International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference (the next one is scheduled for September 30 to October 3, 2015 in Anaheim, CA, USA). These are just a few of the many resources available.
One great thing about adopting a healthy whole foods, plant-based diet, is that it doesn't have to be an alternative to traditional can be done in conjunction with them. The award-winning documentary, Forks Over Knives, is highly recommended to anyone looking to learn more about the link between diet and health.
The link to our Directory of Vegan-Friendly Doctors and Dietitians can be found at the top of our website. Please note that this is a partial list only -- surely there are many more vegan doctors out there, and their numbers continue to grow.
Thanks for reading. Peace and love to all who live.